This chapter is very packed with important knowledge on all the topics so it was difficult to choose only three, but to start us off the first section I dissected was Technology for teaching diverse students. Diversity spans from all backgrounds, cultures, and experiences. Multicultural education was a main point covered in this section. It is a term used to describe how teachers affirm the diversity of their students interests. All students, despite their differences, should have an equal chance to learn.
To play off the previous paragraph, there are many adaptations to bring into classrooms to help ALL students despite their learning hindrances. There are three types of accommodations for students with difficulties:
- low tech- changes that are made easily, inexpensively, and without digital application
- mid tech- "substantive" shifts of organization and delivery that may include digital tools
- high tech- changes associated with integration of computers and other information technologies
And finally writing transformations with technology. I had to include this section because I looove writing. I would rather hand write a 1000 word paper than type one. I'm not sure why! Writing has been interchanged with extra classes and time to devote to skills in reading and math. The book states children don't like writing because:
- the pressure they feel to do well, especially for younger children
- lack of confidence, we have our brains to thank for those blank-slates we draw
- lack of joy because they have no satisfaction is writing
- misdirected self evaluation, meaning they judge the appearance of how they write
- Lack of patience, because it seriously takes so long!
- Ideas about being smart, the book states, because the student equates writing to intelligence.
- brainstorming
- drafting
- revising
- editing
- publishing
The role technology plays in writing is it allows teachers to connect with their students to practically convince them that they have the skills to complete the assignment at hand. With technology it is easier to convince the student that what they have in their head is worth putting on paper.
I loved this chapter but more specifically the last section I covered. I'm an old soul so I will never tire of handwritten assignments, despite how convenient online assignments are. But I will be sure to incorporate technology to written assignments in the future to ensure the success of ALL my students.
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